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How To Get Millions Of Gold In Dragon City Facebook ?

So Guys here is the way to get the millions of gold in dragon city.

Step 1 :  Add as Many active Dragon City Friends as Possible in Facebook:

For Finding Active Dragon City Player Join This Group on Facebook :

Step 2 :  Start Dragon City and Open DM (Dragon Market)

Step 3 :  Send Request To all Your DC (Dragon City) Friends
[Best Result If More Than 500 Active Player are There]

Step 4 :  After Sending Request wait for 12 hours so that Dragon market gets Ready.

Step 5 :  Now Start DC and Collect from DM.

Step 6 :  Then, Reload the Game or Visit DUES and Return Back Then Check your GOLD.

IF you want to Get some GOLD immediately Then CLICK on This Link:

1 comment:

  1. Dragon City New Hack Tool


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